


本人現為香港大學文學院三年級生,主修語言學,副修教育及西班牙文,過去半年到英國進行交換生課程,於2014DSE英文考穫5,其中寫作及閱讀5及IELTS 8.0成績,英文水平相等於歐洲框架C2 levelproficent,是該框架最高的等級,有四年補習經驗,並堅持以全英語教學,現為香港英國文化協會當教學助教一職,並為數名學生精補英文,包括就讀聖方濟各,宣道及培正的學生,其中更有學生於開始上課半年後取得英文全級第一, 我性格開朗熱情,對教學充滿熱誠,喜歡小朋友,有愛心有耐性,會因應小朋友的進度制定課程,亦會運用遊戲令小朋友學得開心,我的熱育理念是小朋友學得好,先要產生興趣。 Hi, My name is Janice. I am a year three HKU Bachelor of Arts studentmajoring in Linguistics, minoring in Education and Spanish. I spent the past half a year in England for an exchange semester. I am a HKDSE graduate who got 5 in english and 8.0 in IELTSDec 2014. My English level is equivalent to the European system of level C2 proficient, which is highest under that system. I am currently a teaching assistant at British Council HK. One of my students achieved first of her form in English after taking my classes for half a year. For tutorials I provide materials like games and worksheets. I use English throughout lessons. I am very passionate, considerate and caring with kids. My teaching principle is for kids to truly enjoy learning the subject.

導師編號: T005067
就讀大學: 香港大學 主修課目: Lingustics, education
就讀中學: 中學語言:
補習經驗: 兩年 教育程度: 大學生(學位)
最低時薪: $0 出生年份: 1996
理想時薪: $0 居住地區:
就讀年級: 大學四年級(學位課程)
授課區域: 中半山,薄扶林 灣仔 銅鑼灣,跑馬地 ,九龍城 黃大仙 九龍塘 茘枝角,美孚 ,葵芳,青衣



本人現為香港大學文學院三年級生,主修語言學,副修教育及西班牙文,過去半年到英國進行交換生課程,於2014DSE英文考穫5,其中寫作及閱讀5及IELTS 8.0成績,英文水平相等於歐洲框架C2 levelproficent,是該框架最高的等級,有四年補習經驗,並堅持以全英語教學,現為香港英國文化協會當教學助教一職,並為數名學生精補英文,包括就讀聖方濟各,宣道及培正的學生,其中更有學生於開始上課半年後取得英文全級第一, 我性格開朗熱情,對教學充滿熱誠,喜歡小朋友,有愛心有耐性,會因應小朋友的進度制定課程,亦會運用遊戲令小朋友學得開心,我的熱育理念是小朋友學得好,先要產生興趣。 Hi, My name is Janice. I am a year three HKU Bachelor of Arts studentmajoring in Linguistics, minoring in Education and Spanish. I spent the past half a year in England for an exchange semester. I am a HKDSE graduate who got 5 in english and 8.0 in IELTSDec 2014. My English level is equivalent to the European system of level C2 proficient, which is highest under that system. I am currently a teaching assistant at British Council HK. One of my students achieved first of her form in English after taking my classes for half a year. For tutorials I provide materials like games and worksheets. I use English throughout lessons. I am very passionate, considerate and caring with kids. My teaching principle is for kids to truly enjoy learning the subject.

導師編號: T005067
就讀大學: 香港大學
主修課目: Lingustics, education
補習經驗: 兩年
教育程度: 大學生(學位)
最低時薪: $0
出生年份: 1996
理想時薪: $0
就讀年級: 大學四年級(學位課程)
授課區域: 中半山,薄扶林 灣仔 銅鑼灣,跑馬地 ,九龍城 黃大仙 九龍塘 茘枝角,美孚 ,葵芳,青衣