


Hi I'm Kay. I majored in mechanical engineering, graduating from the University of Virginia. Also, I have recently finished my master's degree in building services engineering in the University of Hong Kong. Before studying abroad in the states, i took the HKCEE with a score of 19 points, so I sort of know how the hong kong educational system works. Back then, I was examined in Chinese, English syllabus B, Math, Additional Math, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. I can speak and write fluent Chinese and English, and with my strong background in mathematics, I have confidence in explaining math concepts in details, rather than forcing students to learn via memorization solely. 您好,我是Kay,畢業於維珍尼亞大學,主修機械工程系。今年,我最近在香港大學完成屋宇裝備工程的碩士學位。在美國留學之前,我在香港中學會考獲得19分,所以我算是知道香港的教育系統是如何運作的。在會考時,我考了中文,英文(課程乙),數學,附加數學,物理,生物和化學。我可以聽說寫出流利的中文和英文。還有的是,因為我有很強的數學底子,所以我在解釋數學概念時,可以比較清楚,而不是要求學生死記硬背。

導師編號: T004911
就讀大學: University of Virginia 主修課目: Mechanical engineering
就讀中學: 中學語言:
補習經驗: 五年或五年以上 教育程度: 碩士學位
最低時薪: $0 出生年份: 1990
理想時薪: $0 居住地區: 紅磡
就讀年級: 完成碩士學位課程
授課區域: 紅磡



Hi I'm Kay. I majored in mechanical engineering, graduating from the University of Virginia. Also, I have recently finished my master's degree in building services engineering in the University of Hong Kong. Before studying abroad in the states, i took the HKCEE with a score of 19 points, so I sort of know how the hong kong educational system works. Back then, I was examined in Chinese, English syllabus B, Math, Additional Math, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. I can speak and write fluent Chinese and English, and with my strong background in mathematics, I have confidence in explaining math concepts in details, rather than forcing students to learn via memorization solely. 您好,我是Kay,畢業於維珍尼亞大學,主修機械工程系。今年,我最近在香港大學完成屋宇裝備工程的碩士學位。在美國留學之前,我在香港中學會考獲得19分,所以我算是知道香港的教育系統是如何運作的。在會考時,我考了中文,英文(課程乙),數學,附加數學,物理,生物和化學。我可以聽說寫出流利的中文和英文。還有的是,因為我有很強的數學底子,所以我在解釋數學概念時,可以比較清楚,而不是要求學生死記硬背。

導師編號: T004911
就讀大學: University of Virginia
主修課目: Mechanical engineering
補習經驗: 五年或五年以上
教育程度: 碩士學位
最低時薪: $0
出生年份: 1990
理想時薪: $0
居住地區: 紅磡
就讀年級: 完成碩士學位課程
授課區域: 紅磡