


2016DSE maths bafs econ 5 校內成績:中五中六 數學全級第一;中四中五 經濟全級第二 ;中六 經濟全級第一;中四至中六 BAFS 全級第一。 本人就讀地區名校(英中), 個人經歷方面,中一時只考取全級一百多名,但慢慢掌握新高中的玩法,直至畢業試,考獲全級十名內。由於不少同學於平日向我請教,我對應付不同程度之學生亦略有心得,更深諳成績差的苦況、不能考取好成績之原因;亦深信能以我的經歷幫助同學成績進步。本人溝通能力亦佳,曾出任副社長、制服團隊隊長等職任,相信輔以我的能力能給予我的學生一個學質素的課堂。 補習材料方面,本人會預備材料,有私人補習筆記、練習提供(有做不完數量的練習),亦以教授技巧為主輔以加固知識,絕不'呃鐘'。 經驗方面,本人現為三為學生私補(有同校師弟妹及校外學生),亦已獲學校老師邀請於下年度任教學校出資的補習小組,相信我的能力是無容置疑、我的經驗能使我提供一有效率的課堂。 學校預計dse成績:3 x 5 經網上答案核對後,數學卷二(選擇題)4545、卷一(長問答)100105,經濟卷一(選擇題) 4445,BAFS 選擇題 2930。 My academic results in school the first in Mathematics in form in form 5 and form 6 the second in Economics in form in form 4 and form 5 and the first in form in form 6 the first in BAFS in form in senior form. Regarding personal experiences, I ranked above 100 in form 1 be that as it may, I have gradually mastered and been adapted to the HKDSE. Consequently, I ranked within the top 10 in form 6. Answering the questions of my schoolmates, I have got a grasp of teaching people with different learning abilities. I also know full well of the ordeal of having poor academic results and the reasons why people cannot be high-achievers. Moreover, it is my firm belief that my experience can help you improve your exam results. Undoubtedly, my communication skills are good too. I held the posts of deputy house captain and the leader of a uniform groupCAS. It is believed that these skills can complement my ability of providing quality lessons. For the teaching materials, I prepare innumerable exercises and notes. I mainly teach my students with skills complementing the strengthening of knowledge and never cheat you out of money. Concerning my experience, I am the tutorial teacher for three students both from my school and schools outside. I am also invited by my teachers to take part in and host the tutorial classes in the following academic years in my school. My ability is unquestionable and I am confident that my experience can help me provide quality lessons for you to learn efficiently and effectively. Prediction of my DSE results by school: 3x 5. After checking the answers in the internet, the results are as follows Mathematics paper 2 MCQ 4545, Mathematics paper 1 LQ 100105, Economics paper 1 MCQ 4445, BAFS MCQ 2930

導師編號: T004341
就讀大學: 香港中文大學 主修課目: Professional Accountancy
就讀中學: 中學語言:
補習經驗: 一年 教育程度: 大學生(學位)
最低時薪: $0 出生年份: 1998
理想時薪: $0 居住地區: 葵芳, 青衣
就讀年級: 大學三年級(學位課程)
授課區域: 油尖旺 黃大仙 深水埗 九龍塘 茘枝角,美孚 紅磡,沙田,馬鞍山 大埔 荃灣 葵芳,青衣



2016DSE maths bafs econ 5 校內成績:中五中六 數學全級第一;中四中五 經濟全級第二 ;中六 經濟全級第一;中四至中六 BAFS 全級第一。 本人就讀地區名校(英中), 個人經歷方面,中一時只考取全級一百多名,但慢慢掌握新高中的玩法,直至畢業試,考獲全級十名內。由於不少同學於平日向我請教,我對應付不同程度之學生亦略有心得,更深諳成績差的苦況、不能考取好成績之原因;亦深信能以我的經歷幫助同學成績進步。本人溝通能力亦佳,曾出任副社長、制服團隊隊長等職任,相信輔以我的能力能給予我的學生一個學質素的課堂。 補習材料方面,本人會預備材料,有私人補習筆記、練習提供(有做不完數量的練習),亦以教授技巧為主輔以加固知識,絕不'呃鐘'。 經驗方面,本人現為三為學生私補(有同校師弟妹及校外學生),亦已獲學校老師邀請於下年度任教學校出資的補習小組,相信我的能力是無容置疑、我的經驗能使我提供一有效率的課堂。 學校預計dse成績:3 x 5 經網上答案核對後,數學卷二(選擇題)4545、卷一(長問答)100105,經濟卷一(選擇題) 4445,BAFS 選擇題 2930。 My academic results in school the first in Mathematics in form in form 5 and form 6 the second in Economics in form in form 4 and form 5 and the first in form in form 6 the first in BAFS in form in senior form. Regarding personal experiences, I ranked above 100 in form 1 be that as it may, I have gradually mastered and been adapted to the HKDSE. Consequently, I ranked within the top 10 in form 6. Answering the questions of my schoolmates, I have got a grasp of teaching people with different learning abilities. I also know full well of the ordeal of having poor academic results and the reasons why people cannot be high-achievers. Moreover, it is my firm belief that my experience can help you improve your exam results. Undoubtedly, my communication skills are good too. I held the posts of deputy house captain and the leader of a uniform groupCAS. It is believed that these skills can complement my ability of providing quality lessons. For the teaching materials, I prepare innumerable exercises and notes. I mainly teach my students with skills complementing the strengthening of knowledge and never cheat you out of money. Concerning my experience, I am the tutorial teacher for three students both from my school and schools outside. I am also invited by my teachers to take part in and host the tutorial classes in the following academic years in my school. My ability is unquestionable and I am confident that my experience can help me provide quality lessons for you to learn efficiently and effectively. Prediction of my DSE results by school: 3x 5. After checking the answers in the internet, the results are as follows Mathematics paper 2 MCQ 4545, Mathematics paper 1 LQ 100105, Economics paper 1 MCQ 4445, BAFS MCQ 2930

導師編號: T004341
就讀大學: 香港中文大學
主修課目: Professional Accountancy
補習經驗: 一年
教育程度: 大學生(學位)
最低時薪: $0
出生年份: 1998
理想時薪: $0
居住地區: 葵芳, 青衣
就讀年級: 大學三年級(學位課程)
授課區域: 油尖旺 黃大仙 深水埗 九龍塘 茘枝角,美孚 紅磡,沙田,馬鞍山 大埔 荃灣 葵芳,青衣