


I am a year four student studying in Shue Yan Univeristy Marketing major. Majority of the students think that English language is a subject that requires long developed interest and can't be improved drastically in a short time. Whereas through my own unique method, English can still improved by leaps and bounds. During my 6 years of studies in St Paul's Secondary School which is using English as a medium for teaching in all subjects except Chinese. My profound comprehension has been developed.

導師編號: T004285
就讀大學: 香港樹仁大學 主修課目: Marketing
就讀中學: 中學語言:
補習經驗: 五年或五年以上 教育程度: 大學畢業
最低時薪: $0 出生年份: 1993
理想時薪: $0 居住地區: 觀塘
就讀年級: 大學畢業(學位課程)
授課區域: 鰂漁涌,太古 灣仔 銅鑼灣,跑馬地 ,藍田,油塘 九龍城 觀塘,將軍澳



I am a year four student studying in Shue Yan Univeristy Marketing major. Majority of the students think that English language is a subject that requires long developed interest and can't be improved drastically in a short time. Whereas through my own unique method, English can still improved by leaps and bounds. During my 6 years of studies in St Paul's Secondary School which is using English as a medium for teaching in all subjects except Chinese. My profound comprehension has been developed.

導師編號: T004285
就讀大學: 香港樹仁大學
主修課目: Marketing
補習經驗: 五年或五年以上
教育程度: 大學畢業
最低時薪: $0
出生年份: 1993
理想時薪: $0
居住地區: 觀塘
就讀年級: 大學畢業(學位課程)
授課區域: 鰂漁涌,太古 灣仔 銅鑼灣,跑馬地 ,藍田,油塘 九龍城 觀塘,將軍澳