


I am a current year 13 student in the U.K.holding a conditional university offer for AAB for 2016 entry. I have studied in the U.K. for four years,fluent in english, mandarin and Cantonese. I have achieved A grades in both chinese mandarin and English language in GCSE results. Currently I am taking history,English literature, sociology and ChineseMandarin A-level.the exam take place in June 2016, and result only announced in August, however, I am predicted B for history and A for the rest of my subjects. Therefore , I can tutor English communication for reading, writing and verbal skill over the summer as I am returning HK in late June. I have relative work experience but targeting younger children. I have one year experience of privately tutoring a 7 years old child for improving his skills in reading and understanding English text despite English is his first language. Also, I volunteered in a local community school being a teacher assistant to a class of 14 years old on sociology. Therefore I am capable of tutoring older students in preparation of their DSE English exam.Please feel free to contact me via 我在英國留學四年,就讀普通地區中學,培育了地道的英國口音。我的GCSE相當於香港傳統中五成績為中文普通話 A,英文A,宗教學A,數學B,藝術B. Alevel的成績相當於香港傳統會考,英國文學B,社會科學A,中文普通話A,歷史B. 在英國主修文科所以英文的會話及寫作能力較高,適合教導中學生,預備英文DSE.暑假後會升上英國大學,主修歷史.可於

導師編號: T003403
就讀大學: SOAS, university of londin 主修課目: History and Arabic
就讀中學: 中學語言:
補習經驗: 兩年 教育程度: 大學生(學位)
最低時薪: $0 出生年份: 1997
理想時薪: $0 居住地區: 柴灣, 小西灣
就讀年級: 大學一年級(學位課程)
授課區域: 鰂漁涌,太古 中上環,西環 灣仔 筲箕灣,西灣河 銅鑼灣,跑馬地 柴灣,小西灣 北角 ,藍田,油塘 觀塘 ,將軍澳



I am a current year 13 student in the U.K.holding a conditional university offer for AAB for 2016 entry. I have studied in the U.K. for four years,fluent in english, mandarin and Cantonese. I have achieved A grades in both chinese mandarin and English language in GCSE results. Currently I am taking history,English literature, sociology and ChineseMandarin A-level.the exam take place in June 2016, and result only announced in August, however, I am predicted B for history and A for the rest of my subjects. Therefore , I can tutor English communication for reading, writing and verbal skill over the summer as I am returning HK in late June. I have relative work experience but targeting younger children. I have one year experience of privately tutoring a 7 years old child for improving his skills in reading and understanding English text despite English is his first language. Also, I volunteered in a local community school being a teacher assistant to a class of 14 years old on sociology. Therefore I am capable of tutoring older students in preparation of their DSE English exam.Please feel free to contact me via 我在英國留學四年,就讀普通地區中學,培育了地道的英國口音。我的GCSE相當於香港傳統中五成績為中文普通話 A,英文A,宗教學A,數學B,藝術B. Alevel的成績相當於香港傳統會考,英國文學B,社會科學A,中文普通話A,歷史B. 在英國主修文科所以英文的會話及寫作能力較高,適合教導中學生,預備英文DSE.暑假後會升上英國大學,主修歷史.可於

導師編號: T003403
就讀大學: SOAS, university of londin
主修課目: History and Arabic
補習經驗: 兩年
教育程度: 大學生(學位)
最低時薪: $0
出生年份: 1997
理想時薪: $0
居住地區: 柴灣, 小西灣
就讀年級: 大學一年級(學位課程)
授課區域: 鰂漁涌,太古 中上環,西環 灣仔 筲箕灣,西灣河 銅鑼灣,跑馬地 柴灣,小西灣 北角 ,藍田,油塘 觀塘 ,將軍澳