


With over 13 years experience in teaching GCE A Level, IGCSE, HKDSE, and university-level English, I have cultivated extensive expertise across higher education institutions as well as both international and local school settings. As a fully registered teacher, I have developed a comprehensive understanding of diverse educational contexts and the ability to tailor lessons to meet the unique needs of each learner. A graduate of the University of Hong Kong and currently a doctoral candidate at a prestigious UK university, I am committed to delivering a personalised and rigorous approach to language instruction.

導師編號: T033545
就讀大學: 香港大學 主修課目: Literature, Linguistics and Education
就讀中學: Overseas high school 中學語言: 英文
補習經驗: 五年或五年以上 教育程度: 碩士學位
最低時薪: $300 出生年份: 1980
理想時薪: $600 居住地區: 將軍澳
就讀年級: 完成碩士學位課程
教授科目: 英國語文,英國文學,地理,英文拼音,英語會話,GCE,TOEFL,IELTS,劍橋英語,IGCSE
授課區域: 西半山,薄扶林,中上環,西環,灣仔,銅鑼灣,北角,鰂魚涌,將軍澳,西貢



With over 13 years experience in teaching GCE A Level, IGCSE, HKDSE, and university-level English, I have cultivated extensive expertise across higher education institutions as well as both international and local school settings. As a fully registered teacher, I have developed a comprehensive understanding of diverse educational contexts and the ability to tailor lessons to meet the unique needs of each learner. A graduate of the University of Hong Kong and currently a doctoral candidate at a prestigious UK university, I am committed to delivering a personalised and rigorous approach to language instruction.

導師編號: T033545
就讀大學: 香港大學
主修課目: Literature, Linguistics and Education
就讀中學: Overseas high school
中學語言: 英文
補習經驗: 五年或五年以上
教育程度: 碩士學位
最低時薪: $300
出生年份: 1980
理想時薪: $600
居住地區: 將軍澳
就讀年級: 完成碩士學位課程
教授科目: 英國語文,英國文學,地理,英文拼音,英語會話,GCE,TOEFL,IELTS,劍橋英語,IGCSE
授課區域: 西半山,薄扶林,中上環,西環,灣仔,銅鑼灣,北角,鰂魚涌,將軍澳,西貢