


I have always had a deep admiration for teachers, as my own mother was one. Inspired by her, l aspire to become a teacher after completing my studies. To gain valuable experience, I have decided to work as a tuition teacher. My affinity for playing with children, combined with my kind and patient nature, makes me believe that I am well-suited for this role. I am eager to create a nurturing and supportive learning environment for my students while helping them grow academically and personally.

導師編號: T031872
就讀大學: 主修課目:
就讀中學: Chinese YMCA secondary school 中學語言: 英文
補習經驗: 兩年 教育程度: 高中畢業(DSE)
最低時薪: $60 出生年份: 2006
理想時薪: $100 居住地區: 元朗
就讀年級: 修畢中學課程
教授科目: 小學全科,商科,數學,廣東話,游水(蛙式),游水(自由式),游水(背泳),游水(蝶式)
授課區域: 美孚,尖沙咀,紅磡,荃灣,元朗,天水圍,屯門



I have always had a deep admiration for teachers, as my own mother was one. Inspired by her, l aspire to become a teacher after completing my studies. To gain valuable experience, I have decided to work as a tuition teacher. My affinity for playing with children, combined with my kind and patient nature, makes me believe that I am well-suited for this role. I am eager to create a nurturing and supportive learning environment for my students while helping them grow academically and personally.

導師編號: T031872
就讀中學: Chinese YMCA secondary school
中學語言: 英文
補習經驗: 兩年
教育程度: 高中畢業(DSE)
最低時薪: $60
出生年份: 2006
理想時薪: $100
居住地區: 元朗
就讀年級: 修畢中學課程
教授科目: 小學全科,商科,數學,廣東話,游水(蛙式),游水(自由式),游水(背泳),游水(蝶式)
授課區域: 美孚,尖沙咀,紅磡,荃灣,元朗,天水圍,屯門