


I am a student of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (Bmus2), majoring in Composition and Electronic Music. In my lesson, I hope students can acquire knowledge and skills with a heart of curiosity. The lesson will be divided into three parts: skills, knowledge, and songs, a perfect balance between learning and playing.

導師編號: T019672
就讀大學: 香港演藝學院 主修課目: Composition and Electronic Music
就讀中學: Sha Tin Methodist College 中學語言: 中文
補習經驗: 兩年 教育程度: 大學生(學位)
最低時薪: $260 出生年份: 2001
理想時薪: $350 居住地區: 何文田
就讀年級: 大學二年級(學位課程)
教授科目: 中提琴,小提琴,鋼琴,樂理
授課區域: 西環,灣仔,銅鑼灣,旺角,何文田,佐敦,尖沙咀,九龍塘,牛池灣,九龍灣,九龍城



I am a student of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (Bmus2), majoring in Composition and Electronic Music. In my lesson, I hope students can acquire knowledge and skills with a heart of curiosity. The lesson will be divided into three parts: skills, knowledge, and songs, a perfect balance between learning and playing.

導師編號: T019672
就讀大學: 香港演藝學院
主修課目: Composition and Electronic Music
就讀中學: Sha Tin Methodist College
中學語言: 中文
補習經驗: 兩年
教育程度: 大學生(學位)
最低時薪: $260
出生年份: 2001
理想時薪: $350
居住地區: 何文田
就讀年級: 大學二年級(學位課程)
教授科目: 中提琴,小提琴,鋼琴,樂理
授課區域: 西環,灣仔,銅鑼灣,旺角,何文田,佐敦,尖沙咀,九龍塘,牛池灣,九龍灣,九龍城