


畢業於台灣私立銘傳大學(大學及碩士學位),主修國際企業學系。曾任職銘傳大學擔任國際企業概論課程助教,曾於高中生暑假體驗營以英語教授國際禮儀,回港後於本地大學擔任商學院研究所及市場學系研究助理。曾於兩地教授國語、廣東話、小學中英數、國際企業概論、消費者行為、研究方法等科目。有趣方式助學生記憶重點,實例教學增加學生興趣。可按學生程度及需要安排課程,提供網上視像教學。 TOEFL ITP: 517分 (滿分677) Graduated from Taiwan Ming Chuan University (bachelor and master degree), major in International Business. Previously worked at Ming Chuan University in Taiwan as a teaching assistant in the course of Introduction to International Business. I also taught International Etiquette (in English) in high school summer camp. After returning to Hong Kong, I work as a research assistant in one of the local universities, at the Business Institute and department of marketing. I have taught subjects in Mandarin, Cantonese, Chinese and English (Languages) for all age students, also taught maths for primary students. Other than the above-said subjects, I can also teach introduction to international business, consumer behavior, and research methods. Interesting ways to help students memorize key points and real case studies and examples teaching increase student interest. Courses can be arranged according to student level and needs, and online video teaching is provided. TOEFL ITP: 517 points (out of 677)

導師編號: T016781
就讀大學: 主修課目:
就讀中學: Shek Lei Catholic Secondary School 中學語言: 中文
補習經驗: 四年 教育程度: 碩士學位
最低時薪: $150 出生年份: 1993
理想時薪: $200 居住地區: 葵涌
就讀年級: 完成碩士學位課程
教授科目: 小學全科,商科,中國語文,英國語文,數學,企業概論,普通話,廣東話,英語會話
授課區域: 中上環,西環,灣仔,銅鑼灣,美孚,荔枝角,長沙灣,深水埗,旺角,油麻地,佐敦,尖沙咀,紅磡,九龍塘,黃大仙,鑽石山,新蒲崗,彩虹,牛池灣,九龍灣,觀塘,藍田,油塘,荃灣,葵涌,荔景,葵芳,青衣,沙田,小瀝源,馬鞍山



畢業於台灣私立銘傳大學(大學及碩士學位),主修國際企業學系。曾任職銘傳大學擔任國際企業概論課程助教,曾於高中生暑假體驗營以英語教授國際禮儀,回港後於本地大學擔任商學院研究所及市場學系研究助理。曾於兩地教授國語、廣東話、小學中英數、國際企業概論、消費者行為、研究方法等科目。有趣方式助學生記憶重點,實例教學增加學生興趣。可按學生程度及需要安排課程,提供網上視像教學。 TOEFL ITP: 517分 (滿分677) Graduated from Taiwan Ming Chuan University (bachelor and master degree), major in International Business. Previously worked at Ming Chuan University in Taiwan as a teaching assistant in the course of Introduction to International Business. I also taught International Etiquette (in English) in high school summer camp. After returning to Hong Kong, I work as a research assistant in one of the local universities, at the Business Institute and department of marketing. I have taught subjects in Mandarin, Cantonese, Chinese and English (Languages) for all age students, also taught maths for primary students. Other than the above-said subjects, I can also teach introduction to international business, consumer behavior, and research methods. Interesting ways to help students memorize key points and real case studies and examples teaching increase student interest. Courses can be arranged according to student level and needs, and online video teaching is provided. TOEFL ITP: 517 points (out of 677)

導師編號: T016781
就讀中學: Shek Lei Catholic Secondary School
中學語言: 中文
補習經驗: 四年
教育程度: 碩士學位
最低時薪: $150
出生年份: 1993
理想時薪: $200
居住地區: 葵涌
就讀年級: 完成碩士學位課程
教授科目: 小學全科,商科,中國語文,英國語文,數學,企業概論,普通話,廣東話,英語會話
授課區域: 中上環,西環,灣仔,銅鑼灣,美孚,荔枝角,長沙灣,深水埗,旺角,油麻地,佐敦,尖沙咀,紅磡,九龍塘,黃大仙,鑽石山,新蒲崗,彩虹,牛池灣,九龍灣,觀塘,藍田,油塘,荃灣,葵涌,荔景,葵芳,青衣,沙田,小瀝源,馬鞍山